Battling with Depression
Did you know many people suffer from Depression? What is Depression? Here’s the definition below. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts,behavior, feelings and sense of well-being . [1][2] People with depressed mood can feel sad, anxious , empty,hopeless, helpless, worthless , guilty, irritable, ashamed or restless . ( ) Depression comes in many forms such as Manic, Postpartum, Bipolar, Psychotic, Situational and Atypical.Most people don’t talk about their depression out of not wanting help or they don’t even realize that they are depressed. Example: I went to college right out of high school like most kids do. I fell into a major depression because I didn’t know how to cope and fit in. At the time, I didn’t know it wasdepression. I thought I was just really homesick but came to find out later on that it was a form of depression. Everyday ...